Committee for Democracy
Issues Guardian of the democratic Spirit, Mirror of the Corporate Reality


Criminal Wars



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Our Lost Democracy

Unlimited President

Big Oil runs govt

money buys laws

money buys Dems

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illegal Searches links

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late news, all analysis



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all futures



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all california links

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Dept of Injustice

Mukasey defends criminal president

dept of injustice


The World

international index





china's poison trade

china's us backed police state


Our Dictators

saudi arabia




Our Job:

To restore democracy Bush&congress must be

Charged with domestic and war crimes

Impeach bush II


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Berkeley Citizen

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You are on the Home Page                           All Previous Front Pages                              Last Page: April 9, '09
News from America's Broken Republic

Feb 13, 2013: Status of the Corporate Fascist State & Empire

We're Back

News that Matters
background: Just a Reminder of why Bush (Obama) is Out of Control

Police State of the Corporate Empire

Domestic Enemies

Secret Courts in US

Secret Surveillance Court Gets New Presiding Judge, Wired, Feb 7, 2013.


The Murderer in Chief

Kill List Exposed: Leaked Obama Memo Shows Assassination of U.S. Citizens "Has No Geographic Limit," Democracy Now, Feb 5, 2013

Obama’s Memo on Targeted Killings Is a Drone Strike on the Law, Wired, Feb 5, 2013.



The Criminal Presidency

Bullshit: "War on Terror"



The Criminal Presidency

Bullshit: "War on Terror"


Immigration: Stealing our Rights and Treasure

Crimigrants Corporate Dreams


Corporate Fascist State

High Cost of Cheap Labor


$2 billion Medicaid program helps mostly illegal immigrants, McClachy, Feb 12, 2013.


Subsidized Corporate Evil,
Immigration: Stealing our Rights and Treasure

World News

Italian Election

What the Germs think about Berlisconi, spegiel, Feb 12, 2013.


Egypt Breaking

Diesel shortage pushes Egyptians to the brink, Reuters, Feb 13, 2013.

Backgrounder: Egypt


Dictators in the Shifting Sand

Rising power Qatar stirs unease among some Mideast neighbors, Reuters, Feb 12, 2013.

Backgrounder: Middle-East Minions of Empire


The Sky is not Falling. It's Broken

Greenland Ice Sheet melt 'unprecedented' in 2012, Digital Journal,

Crashing Environment

October 15, 2011: Status of the Corporate Fascist State & Empire

Feb 2011: Some thoughts on Egypt, and the loss of American credibility and influence in the Middle East  

Background information on Current topics in the News





Hey Friends

Oct 15 2011: Occupy Wall Street

Heck, our government has not just lost credibility in the Middle-East and around the world. The US governement is not trusted by Americans, for good reasons.

Our government has been illegitimate by our own Constitutional and legal standards here at home since the Robber Barons crushed the Farmer Democracy in the 19th century, and shortly afterward began building their Global Empire and Domestic Police State.

We have been a corporate state managing a growing empire for over a century.

The transition of the United States from democracy to corporate state has been ignored by generations of "Americans" who have traded in their rights and responsibilities as Citizens in their democratic country for the "pleasures," "profits," and "prestiege" of being a Consumer in a Corporate State.

Continue Article

SF Occupy the Fed




Feb 2, 2011: As you can see from the links at the top of this page, the historic nature of the events in the middle east have forced me to address the situation America finds itself in. I've posted a new little essay on the situation in Egypt and some references to our recent history of supporting Mubarak's bloody dictatorship. Thirty years of American Political support for a brutal dictatorship...

Who the Hell are we? Our foreign policy is the global face of Corporate Fascism.

The overall publication situation of The Committee for Democracy has not changed. I am currently up to my neck trying to construct a comprehensive backpacker's Trail Guide of the High Sierras between Lake Tahoe and Mount Whitney.




Proof of the Destruction of our Democratic Principals and Practices

Money buys laws

Big Oil runs government


California: The Heart of American Political Corrutpion

Calif: History of perpetual "Budget Crisis"


Empire of Violence and Fear:


Saudi Arabia

Central/South America



This Site can serve you as a Reference Source for the Lies of the Corporate Media

unlimited president

dept of injustice

Dems assist Bush Crimes


Torture here, Torture There, Torture Everywhere


Dems bribed to the HILT!

Bribery Pays BIG


Environmental Links

Impending Famine


economic links


link clusters



Friday, Jan 22, 2010: Status of this WebSite Update




I spent 7 months on the High Sierra trails after fire burned my apartment and ended publication of political analysis and commentary. (see last notice, below)

As much as political production was damaging my "spirit," these extended trips arcoss the High Sierras repaired it.

After four Tahoe to Whitney Hikes, and thousands of miles of four-season travel across the High Sierras, I have launched Tahoe to Whitney.

After this site produces some revenue, I will resume political analysis and commentary.

The beauty of Banner Peak on the John Muir Trail


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Latest Posting: 11:59 pm pst, Berkeley, Ca, USA



Active Publication Terminating due to Fire Disaster

I'm sorry to say that after nearly three years of production, this site and its sister site,, are going to be taking a significant vacation.

read more




Obama Exposes, Defends Torture

new evidence/analysis


US Torture



DOJ Torture "Rules" Released

The Memos

Abuse of Power: The Bush Administration's Secret Legal Memos, aclu, 4-16-09

No Legal Repercussions?

Obama won't prosecute CIA for waterboarding, usatoday, 4-16-09 (criminals protecting criminals)

various news reports

CIA interrogation tactics: a terrifying ordeal, ap, 4-16-09

At a Secret CIA Interrogation, Dispute Flared Over Tactics, truthout, 4-16-09 (nyt)



Context of 'August 1, 2002: Justice Department’s ‘Golden Shield’ Memo Approves Torture of Terrorism Suspects', history commons


The Real Deal

Torture, the UK, and Obama: A chance for "Torture we can Believe in?" alex wierbinski, 2-4-09


It's 1984 in America: Up is Down, Torture an open tool of State, Alex Wierbinski, November, 2007


US Admits Crimes against American and international law: War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity publicly acknowledged, Alex Wierbinski, February 7, 2008


US Rulings authorize War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, Alex Wierbinski, April, 2008

Even the Corporate Press informed Americans about all of these specific torture tactics by 2005. Everyone has know about these crimes since 2005.

And nothing has been done


CIA's Harsh Interrogation Techniques Described, abc, 11-18-05

the demand for torture memos came from the white house

Gonzales 2002 Memo Calling Geneva Conventions “Quaint” and “Obsolete,”, 11-10-04

specific acts of real-time torture were directed from the white house

The White House directly participated in torture sessions, committee, April 10, 2008



bybee memo, 8-2002



US Code 2441. War crimes

US Code 2340. Torture

Fact Sheet: Military Commissions Act of 2006, ACLU


recent history of "terror" torture





Note: This announcement by the Obama admin that they will not prosecute Bush's torture crimes has no basis in domestic or international law. There are no exemptions in either for crimes committed under orders.

Every individual who participated in acts of cruelty and torture, from the White House to the Torture Chamber, is accountable for their actions.

By forestalling the execution of law, Obama is not just betraying his oath to defend the Constitution, he is indemnifying and perpetuating international state torture, and has established torture as a Presidential Prerogative.

The Nazis and Jap fascists we hung for exactly the same crimes all claimed that inflicting torture was their duty under orders.

Then we hung them. We can only hope we apply the same standards to ourselves that we apply to others.

  shocking news




DOJ Press Release: Following Illegal Orders is now Legal, DOJ press Release, 4-16-09





Obama Continues Bush Search Crimes


Dem Congress assisted Bush Search Crimes



Officials Say U.S. Wiretaps Exceeded Law, nyt, 4-16-09


background links

Obama preserves all of Bush's Criminal Powers


Unlimited President: The Dems were accessories before, during, and after Bush's original crime spree.


The Bush Crime Spree of Illegal Searches


The Unlimited President


The History of the Crime

The Dem's Congress and Senate Passed an illegal law to cover King Bush's Crimes, and now King Obama's Crimes:

House Approves Wiretap Measure: Pelosi, Dems, Betray Constitution Again, Washington Post, August 5, 2007


Senate and Bush Agree On Terms of Spying Bill: Dem Traitors Roll Over to Criminal President Yet Again, Washington Post, October 18, 2007



The Dem's backed Bush's Crimes with a Criminal Law!


New law may go far beyond wiretapping: Dem Traitors Fully Join Bush's Attack on Civil and Constitutional Rights, NY Times, August 19, 2007





911: Inside Job?



911: Inside Job?



As many of you know, I have shyed away from the 911 issue. Too many wackos and Wingnuts involved.

This is a criminal government with or without 911.

Except for linking two articles over 3 years, one by project censored, and and the other by the financial times, I have posted nothing on 911. Both are linked at your far right.

But this latest report, in a peer-reviewed journal by a Danish scientist, described below, and his interview, at right, really do deserve your attention.


Is US responsible for 9-11 atrocity? Scientists find nano-thermite in WTC dust, mwc, 2009


"Land of the Free," 9-11, and America's Myths and Lies Exposed:

Deconstructing Deceit: 9/11, the Media, and Myth Information, project censored


The Circus


The truth is out there, ft, 6-7-08



Wednesday, April 15, 2009



The Obama Administration Update

Corporate Funded Election Changed Nothing


Corporate Government


Domestic Policy


Foreign Policy


The Nature of the Economic Bailouts

AIG BRU-HA-HA of FALSE Outrage by Obama and Congress: The Wolves have hired the Farmers to feed them our chickens, alex, 3-17-09



The fraud of earmark reform continues

Lawmakers post earmarks online; good luck finding them, mcclatchy, 4-15-09

essay: Barak's Bright Shiny new Corporate Fascist State, committee, 6-6-07

Links: Fake Reforms of Democrats prove No Change in Who Runs Washington



Lobbyists and "Our" Politicians:

Laundering Bribes to fund their Corporate Government

Obama softens ban on hiring lobbyists, boston globe, 11-12-08

Campaign Skirts Obama Lobbyist Ban, newser, 9-18-08


False Religion: Veneer for the Corporate Fascist State


Obama keeps Bush policies on faith-based groups, mcclatchy, 2-5-09



Dem's Health Care "System" really a System of Political Bribery for Corporate Profits:

Obama taxes Cigs for Child Health Care, 2-4-09


Links: Dems take Blood Money Bribes from Corporate Health Industry



Links: Democrats are corporate tools

Essay: Obama's a Fake

Links: Obama links


The latest from the frontiers of Our Corporate Empire


Feb 18, '09: Domestic and Global Status of the American Corporate Empire



The Econ, Enviro, Foreign and Domestic Policies of OBAMA: Nothing Has Changed, alex, 4-1-09



Obama"s Terror Warning: A Bit 'o Truth. Well, a Mirror of the Truth,  alex, 4-2-09



Obama’s Pakistan policy an extension of Bush’s: Nawaz, dawn, 4-2-09



Torture, the UK, and Obama: A chance for "Torture we can Believe in?" alex wierbinski, 2-4-09



Freedom Rider: Phony Nuclear Disarmament, blackagendareport, 4-8-09



Barack Obama Administration Continues US Military Global Dominance, project Censored, 2-19-'09


Status of US Terror War on the World



What really happened to the CIA Secret Prisons?


Spanish judge asks US, Pak for info on Qaeda leader, dawn, 5-15-09

Bagram detainees win court ruling, aljazeera, 4-2-09


Secret Prisons Closed? Then Account for everyone Kidnapped and Secretly held.

I believe the secret prisons/torture centers were turned over to the states allied with us lock, stock, and barrel. The stock that the states who provided the sites for our secret torture centers received is composed of thousands of individuals kidnapped around the world by the CIA and our various Proxies. The CIA and USA have merely stepped back, and now act through these proxies, as they have done under every previous administration.

but we will never know:

Obama adopts Bush's Secret Criminal Government

Holder: Limits to openness, politico, 4-15-09

Obama's Justice Department backs Bush secrecy on renditions suit, raw story, 2-9-09

bush/US torture

obama torture

the Unlimited President





Economic Crash Continues


Economy still worsening across U.S.: Beige Book, marketwatch, 4-15-09

who saw it coming?

The rotten core of the American Economy: Our Corrupted Democracy, alex, 12-15-07

Al's Corner of Clarity: How to Fix the Economy, alex wierbinski, 2-6-09

analysis: tracking the corruption crisis

note: the nature of our political process is itself predictive of its ultimate product. Our corruption produces corrupted law and policy.




The California Budget Crisis

This is a Corruption Crisis, not a Budget Crisis




California is Bankrupt


California asks feds to back its IOUs, sacbee, 4-15-09

california budget link list

California's Corrupted Politicians Serve Wealthy Bribers, not Democracy

fucking traitor scumbags:

Politicians climb aboard “The Money Train”, ocregister, 4-15-09




Criminal US Government getting Paranoid

Republicans criticize report on right-wing groups, ap, 4-15-09



Other News



China's Fiesty N Korean Ally

N Korea heats Up: UN inspectors prepare to leave North Korea, channelnewsasia, 4-16-09


US Bending to China's Will?

Japan: It's time N. Korea got the message, asahishibum, 4-14-09


The High Price of Chinese Credit

The China Situation: US Austerity Program on the Way, alex, 3-13-09

Geithner Refrains From Labeling China a Manipulator, bloomberg, 4-15-09


China Rising as a Global Power


China launches 2nd navigation satellite, chinadaily, 4-15-09


background: US National welfare Secondary to Corporate Profits in China Trade, alex, 12-07



The Genesis of the Somali Pirates


American Sponsored Invasion of Somalia sparks chaos, alex. august 6. '07


Southern California water agency to cut supplies by 10%, lat, 4-15-09


1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India, independent, 4-15-09

Freak Tropical Weather Floods Mid-West

rising specter of global famine

Site News

Sorry about the shoddy state of the committee sites. Man, this fire thing has really put me behind the eight ball.

I'm still removing and cleaning, then storing all of my salvageable possessions from my fire-damaged apartment.

I'm guessing that I'll hit the road for a couple of months, until I can reoccupy my apartment, so this site, and NextRevolution will take some time off.

  top of page




I'll Teabag them all, both the Corporate Right (FOX) and the Corporate Left (CNN), as well as the Corporate Center (PBS).

And being the whores they are, they will like it!

If any of you really know what "teabagging" is, you're laughing your asses off!

What a bunch of Frk'n Idiots!

The Problem is not Taxes.

The Problem is that Our Democratic Republic has been corrupted. To restore the legitimacy of our laws, policies, and especially our tax policies, our Political Process itself must be Reformed



Friday, April 10, 2009



Dollar-Denomonated Debt Offerings in Asia

Overseas Borrowers Sell Dollar Bonds at Record Yearly Pace, bloomberg, 4-10-09


Is the Worse of the Downturn over? alex wierbinski


Top of Page

Selected Economic Metrics

US indexes (nyt)

US market overview (marketwatch)

global indexes (bloomberg)

dollar value (marketwatch)

Energy (bloomberg)

mutual funds (NYT)

all futures (marketwatch)

VIX (bloomberg. what VIX means)



  The Committee for Democracy Catches Fire!  


Committe for Democracy's Home Base Burns Down

Fire on Monday, March 23 burns the Physical Location of the Committee for Democracy: My Home Office.


Photo Gallery


See why this site is on stand-by mode, as we recover from literal, as well as physical, burn-out








Bribery determines law and policy in the US.

The Committee exposes the Political Corruption Americans must End

WANTED: 1000 citizens determined to drive bribery out of politics


all previous front pages

last front page: Feb 15, 2009



  top of page

Earlier headlines

Last Page: April 9, '09

Front page: April 4, 2009

front page: Jan 9, 2009: Jewish war crimes continue

news page: December 23, 2008: Latest analysis: The Crash of 2008: Part II

Previous to the above : December 21, 2008 This page covers the Global Market Crash that happened in October.

All Previous Front Pages


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Site Traffic


January Unique Visits: 6,252

Total Pages: 9,518


2008 Unique Visits: 59,833

Total Pages: 119,037


2007 Unique Visits: 11,923

Total Pages: 22,703


2006 Unique Visits: 996 (5 months)

Alex in the Snow

Hey. My name's alex wierbinski, and I'm soley responsible for collecting, writing, "editing," and paying the bills to maintain this site and it's content.

I hope you find motivation in the information here to confront the abuses and corruptions which have neutralized our democracy.


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